Will you personally entertain strangers, or will you be entertained while in the company of unknown others. Is it possible you can augment the shared entertainment with your own blend of amusement or enjoyment in addition to augmenting the main event? We implore you to try regardless of your current comfort level. Everything to win – you can’t lose!

Most of us have heard the expression: dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, and as a young up-and-coming visionary says, when all else fails… JustYouDoYou™. If you simply following these simple yet powerful messages, you may accidentally create the greatest entertainment event anyone is yet to have ever seen?

What would you do or try if no matter where or what you performed, everyone who experienced it wrote rave reviews, and you were asked to perform more. Of course you would do it. Who would not? However, then the question becomes: Would you do it for free, require monetary payment or just do it. You do it because it was a part of you. You discovered it when you gave yourself permission to view and live your RocStarDNA™ and then wrote your own unique, ByU4U, just4You, S.O,N,G.4Life™.

The ability to provide and enjoy entertainment with and for others maybe one of the most valuable assets of all when you continue forward with the advance levels of the RocStarTreazurz™ app.

We will all applaud you on UR stage of Ur Song4Life™.