Executive Igniter of Student and Community Relations
The quintessential representation of how life merits living in the moment and taking advantage of individual strength and determination . Strength to never give in; determination to never settle. His story illustrates in perfect form how life is a journey, and not a focal point in time. He stands as a prime example of how success and fulfillment should be defined by none other than the individual it pertains to. Starting as a child with what seems to be a perfect recipe for success, falling victim as a teenager to a sickening myriad of self-inflicted and environmental anguishes, losing every last ounce of hope as a young adult resulting in the attempt to outright end it all, and then miraculously rising above it all and attaining euphoric happiness & fulfillment only four year later , Zac’s Inspirational story is nothing short of unparalleled.
However, it is not just the incredible past that makes Zac worth listening to. It is the exclusive wisdom and subjective knowledge gained faster then imaginable, which makes him a vital resource for present and future society. The first-hand exposure; the state of mind both in and out of box; the emotions behind both torments and triumphs; Zac truly stands as an invaluable figure for the global world of mental health. Now, he is ready to use his past : every event & observation, meeting and conversation, defense and rationalization, experience & interpretation, to advance and empower the world. He can be a guiding light for all those stuck in a box, and a reliable resource for all caregivers wanting to help someone else currently struggling to escape. Furthermore, he can serve as an instrumental ally for al mental health professionals as a unique access point into the box where so many are in need of additional assistance. Through Zac’s simple yet powerful massage of acceptance, every human on this Earth can acquire the ability to achieve happiness, fulfillment and peace. Through the power of acceptance, quintessential excellence is attainable for all.
An unrivaled story
An intense desire to inspire and empower others
An ultimate mission to revolutionize the global stigma against mental health